Sweet Chestnut Soup
This sweet chestnut soup is my own creation, I just read a few recipes and took out the ingredients I liked most. Then I put it all togeher and voilá! :-) Enjoy this creamy, yummie, filling autuum dish.
2 medium-sized onions
1 small piece butter
2 pckg. cooked and peeled chestnuts (shrink-wrapped)
1/2 l vegetable stock
200 ml dry white wine
pulp of 1/2 vanilla bean
2 tsp brown sugar
1 clove
1 piece of cinnamon bark (or 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder)
1 bay leave
1 pinch of ground nutmeg
salt, pepper
Chop the onion finely. Chop the sweet chestnuts coaresly.
Let the butter melt in a jar. Sweat (sounds strange but leo.org says that it's the translation for "anschwitzen" *g*) the onions in the butter for a short time. Then stir in the sugar and let it caramelise for a few seconds. Put the vegetable stock and the chestnuts, the clove, cinnamon bark, vanilla pulp and bay leave in the jar and stir. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes.
Put the soup it in a blender and make a puree. Pour it back into the jar. Stir in the wine and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. Let it simmer for further 5 minutes and serve with some sour cream.

1 small piece butter
2 pckg. cooked and peeled chestnuts (shrink-wrapped)
1/2 l vegetable stock
200 ml dry white wine
pulp of 1/2 vanilla bean
2 tsp brown sugar
1 clove
1 piece of cinnamon bark (or 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder)
1 bay leave
1 pinch of ground nutmeg
salt, pepper
Chop the onion finely. Chop the sweet chestnuts coaresly.
Let the butter melt in a jar. Sweat (sounds strange but leo.org says that it's the translation for "anschwitzen" *g*) the onions in the butter for a short time. Then stir in the sugar and let it caramelise for a few seconds. Put the vegetable stock and the chestnuts, the clove, cinnamon bark, vanilla pulp and bay leave in the jar and stir. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes.
Put the soup it in a blender and make a puree. Pour it back into the jar. Stir in the wine and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. Let it simmer for further 5 minutes and serve with some sour cream.
ooooooh'rangenblog on : Herbstzeit
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